
I’m surrounded by laundry, the sound of the dryer tumbling in the background. The sound of productivity and cleanliness. Is there anything better than freshly dried clothes? That favorite sweater you have, strait out of the dryer smelling like cotton and soap.
I remember being little and the only time I wanted to fold laundry was when it was warm. Sitting on the floor anywhere in the house swimming in towels and socks because there were never enough baskets. Somehow thinking about this reminds me of endless library books and wooden bowls filled with drop biscuits. Linen fabric feels like home.


I get emotional about the things that I love. I don’t know why but whenever I love something so much I just feel like I could cry. When I think of autumn, calico, little house and the prairie, I just feel like my heart is pushing out of my chest while someone is sitting on it at the same time. Soft sweaters, good paintings, poetry and apple pie. Rabbits, handwriting, green, brown and umber. I try not to fall in love with things too often anymore. It’s an unhealthy habit of not wanting to be sat on by my own emotions. But with this blog post I’m vowing not to push down, or push away anymore. I am allowing myself to be me again. “To be sensitive and strong”, in the words of Emma Watson. I will love fiercely and try to cry less often about it.

What a beautiful thing
it is
to be loved.


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Processed with VSCO with m5 preset

Processed with VSCO with m5 preset


One Sister have I in our house – By Emily Dickinson

“One Sister have I in our house,
And one, a hedge away.
There’s only one recorded,
But both belong to me.

One came the road that I came
And wore my last year’s gown
The other, as a bird her nest,
Builded our hearts among.

She did not sing as we did
It was a different tune
Herself to her a music
As Bumble bee of June.

Today is far from Childhood
But up and down the hills
I held her hand the tighter
Which shortened all the miles

And still her hum
The years among,

Deceives the Butterfly;
Still in her Eye
The Violets lie
Mouldered this many May.

I spilt the dew
But took the morn 
I chose this single star
From out the wide night’s numbers
Sue — forevermore!”

2 thoughts on “laundry

  1. Glory,
    This post is BEAUTIFUL! If I wanted to describe you to someone,I would just let them read this. You have described yourself and who you are from the inside out. I felt like I wanted to cry because I have had the privilege of knowing you since birth. You are very complicated but simplistic. I love you so much. BIBI

    Liked by 1 person

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